'Gender' refers to the socially constructed roles of and relations between men and women, while 'Sex' refers to biological characteristics which define humans as female or male. These biological characteristics are not mutually exclusive however, as there are individuals who possess both.
'Gender relations' are characterised by unequal power. 'Gender norms' assign specific entitlements and responsibiltiies to men and women - for example, women might be expected to take on caring or domestic duties and remain close to home, while men may be expected to be the main breadwinnner, working outside the home, with greater freedom to move around in public places.
Eldis (from the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex) resources on gender issues including training, papers, etc.) We host a range of innovative and highly regarded knowledge services – including Eldis, id21, BRIDGE, Livelihoods Connect and the British Library for Development Studies.
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