Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Connection - New Restorative Justice Blog

If there was anyone who was made to blog, I would say it is my advisor, Howard Zehr. Howard is the grandfather of the restorative justice movement, a photographer who redefines image taking as image receiving, a mentor to countless students and profoundly connected to the world around him. We are fortunate that he recently launched this site, which will reflect on restorative justice, photography and whatever else Howard deems bloggable. He promises it will be "quirky". I don't doubt that... and I will be following closely.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Video Postcard for My Advisor, Howard Zehr

In this, the end of month two of my UNHCR practicum, I interview Naoko Obi, the head of my Community Development, Gender Equality and Children section. Naoko talks of what we've achieved in our International Women's Day event... with the gender equality video and the creation of the slogan; "It begins with me. It begins with you. It begins with us." Next on the agenda is the creation of a blog to track an evaluation of Age, Gender, Diversity Mainstreaming policy... and trainings within UNHCR to teach others to blog and involve them in AGDM.

Watch 10 minutes now on YouTube:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Old Landscapes, New Eyes - Woman Lead Guitarist

Here is a fun morsel for a Friday afternoon. I am always interested in moments when I am seeing something original, fresh, forward when it comes to Age, Gender and Diversity.

This 1955 clip of American rock and roll singer, guitarist and song writer Bo Diddley features his trusted lead guitar player Peggy "Lady Bo" Jones in her gown playing electric guitar. Jones was the first female lead guitarist in history to be hired by a major recording act. Just kind of sad that more than 5 decades later this is STILL a fresh image... but enjoy the fabulousness.

Quote from Peggy Jones, "LIVE is real. Who I am is truth, and I am the artistry of what I created!"

Watch 5 minutes now on YouTube:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Interview with UNHCR UNV worker in Chad - Changing Perspectives

Giuseppe Rullanti, United Nations Volunteer in Chad in 2008, knows the challenges of bringing the values of Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming to the field. In this interview Rullanti says for some UNHCR workers AGDM begins mainly with taking on the responsibility of being true partners in solidarity with people of concern to UNHCR.

Rullanti is a social worker and author of the 2006 book LA RECHERCHE-ACTION AU SERVICE DE L'AUTO-DÉVELOPPEMENT - which addresses the issues of empowerment in the refugee community.

Watch 2 minutes 30 seconds now on YouTube:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vision - NYTimes on Paris Fashion Week

This piece by Cathy Horyn is so beautiful, analytical, ethereal... it is transcendent much like the aesthetic that Maira Kalman, the illustrator/blogger creates. The piece itself is a work of art. This is the way I aspire to communicate, or just THINK.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Connection - American Association of University Women Blogs on Single Moms, Education and Video Profile

I am lucky enough to have happening colleagues on both sides of the pond! Shenandoah University's Amy Sarch is Education Director and Director of Women's Studies. Amy recently received a grant from AAUW to provide resources to single moms to attend university. Her awareness of this issue led to a video profile which I shot produced and edited on a day in the life of SU student, activist and single mom to Julie - Michelle Vilandry.

AAUW recently wrote a blog about Amy and Michelle's efforts and the video profile... here is the link to the piece..


ABCs and SATs: College Life as a Single Mom from Paulette Moore on Vimeo.

Power/Vision - Documentary about Women Cinematographers...

Who knew that only 2% of cinematographers on the largest budget American films were women? (Actually I could have guessed that)

And what will the world of film be like when the vision of women informs it in a fuller way?

Women Behind the Camera is a made-by-women-for-women documentary, based upon Alexis Krasilovsky’s book of the same name, connects globally, exploring the lives of camerawomen in Canada, China, France, Germany, India, India, Iran, Mexico, Russia, Senegal, and other countries in a way never seen before.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Vision/Connection/Intuition - UNHCR video for International Women's Day 2009; Men and Women United for Gender Equality.

This video was all about Howard Zehr's concept of receiving images. The entire making of this was about waiting for the picture/concept to come to me and I am happy with the result. Luckily I am working with a group that allows me to work in this way. A very good lesson.