Saturday, January 24, 2009

Vision/Connection - The Poet on Tram 16 to Moellselaz and a Question

Q. How would you approach this situation, this man, or the receiving/taking of his image?

I see this man as a poet and an artist. In our architecture and justice film for qualitative analysis class this fall, Brenda Waugh and I explored the responsibility of the witness/researchist in presenting images of individuals in a responsible way; by way of relationship with the individual.

Photographer and restorative justice pioneer Howard Zehr lives his philosophy that you don't take images - you receive them and you develop a relationship with your subject.

Is presenting this image taking something from the man in this film? He obviously wanted to convey a public message. Some I've talked to think perhaps he is not all there mentally. But are any of us all there mentally who stand up in a crowd and try to speak a message?

He was warning the crowd about something...

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